Trickling Filter Process

What is Water Filtration?

Water filtration is a physical process of separating suspended and colloidal particles from waste by passing the water through a granular material. The process of filtration involves straining, settling, and adsorption. As floc passes into the filter, the spaces between the filter grains become clogged, reducing this opening and increasing removal. Some material is removed merely because it settles on [....]

What is Coagulation-Flocculation?

Coagulation:Following screening and the other pretreatment processes, the next unit process in a conventional water treatment system is mixing, when chemicals are added during what is known as coagulation. The exception to this situation occurs in small systems using groundwater, where chlorine or other taste and odor control measures are often introduced at the intake and are the extent [....]

Trickling Filter Process Calculations

The trickling filter process (see Figure Below) is one of the oldest forms of dependable biological treatment for wastewater. By its very nature, the trickling filter has advantages over other unit processes. For example, it is a very economical and dependable process for treatment of wastewater prior to discharge. Capable of withstanding periodic shock loading, process energy demands are low [....]